Friday, September 27, 2019

This Week in Grade 6-September 27, 2019

Orange Shirt Day- Monday, September 30

6D Families,

   We have had a very physical week in grade 6.  Despite the chilly weather, the students had a great day on Thursdays Track and Field event at the Foothills Athletic Park.  The students participated in the long jump, ball throw and either the 60m, 300m or 4 x 100m relay.  Thank you to Ms. Latham for all her hard work in putting this event together.

    We have been reviewing our numeracy skills this week with a look at place value, numeric, word and expanded form and adding and subtracting.  We will be having a small quiz on these concepts a week Monday (October 7th).

    In preparation for our field trip to the Apple store this upcoming Wednesday, the students have been working on writing a fractured fairytale.  Using a classic fairytale as their guide, the students need to either, write the story from a different point of view, change the role of the female character or introduce a "twist" in the storyline that fractured the events.  We will be learning to animate these stories using the Apple Keynote application next week.

Have a great weekend,

Mrs. Reeve

-Week Math Practice sheet due next Wednesday, October 2nd
-City map project (map, laws, taxes, government) due on Monday, September 30th
-Parents need to sign the Patterns and Algebra test that is coming home on Monday  and return to the teacher

Don't Forget
-We will be sharing our City Projects with the grade 5 students on Monday afternoon
-Apple Store field trip next Thursday, October 3rd.

Quizzes/ Tests
-Math Number Sense Quiz on Monday, October 7th. Review with pages 21 to 42 in your Jump Book

-Please bring your forms and $5.00 for our Apple Store field trip

Upcoming Events
Monday, September 30: Orange Shirt Day
Wednesday, October 2: Apple Store field trip to write Fractured Fairy Tales.  
Friday, October 11: No School
Monday, October 12: Thanksgiving Day - No School
October 15, 17, 25: Work with Calgary Rapper Transit
Friday, October 18: Meet with Provincial Minister Josephine Pon
Monday, October 21: Junior Achievement working with grade 6
Wednesday, October 23: Grade 6 Vaccinations
Wednesday, October 30: Edmonton Legislature Field Trip

Don't forget to check out our class website for resources

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Track and Field 

Just a reminder that we will be going on our track and field day, tomorrow. We will be going to Foothills Park. Please make sure that your child has warm clothes, extra socks, a water bottle, and peanut-free lunch and snacks.


  • Today a math sheet came home for homework. This sheet is due on Wednesday, Oct. 2.
  • A field trip form came home to go to the Apple Store on Oct. 3. Please have students bring it back signed by Monday, September 30th. 

Friday, September 20, 2019

Weekly Update!

Dear Parents and Students,

    Thank you for taking the time to come in and meet with us. If you were unable to attend, please feel free to contact us to make a time that works for you and your family. 

    This week we have been working on building our research skills and how to check for credible sources, especially on the internet.  The students learned that finding two or more sources that have similar information increased the likelihood that the facts were true. 

     We concluded the first part of our Patterns and Algebra unit with a quiz covering all of the lessons we have completed so far.  This quiz will be marked and returned early next week and we ask that you sign it and return it back to school.

     The students have been creating Federal, Provincial and Local Bylaws this week as part of our local government unit.  The entire class came up with three laws for our "country" and in groups of two cities created three provincial laws and then three bylaws for their cities.  Students have also been looking at how taxes are collected to pay for all of the services (police, transit, garbage/ recycling, etc), provided by local governments.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Reeve

-No homework this long weekend

Upcoming Events
-School Pictures for grade 6 on Wednesday, September 25th
-Track and Field day- Thursday, September 26th
-We are collecting toonies for Terry.  The Terry Fox run will be on Friday, September 27
-Orange Shirt Day-Monday, September 30

Please return your Track and Field forms if not done
Don't forget to return your Big Box Card boxes or the money if you sell it

Don't forget to check out our class website for resources