Thursday, January 30, 2020

Long Weekend!

Dear Grade 6D Parents and Students,

*Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow (Friday, January 30)*

This week we have been completing mini-lessons and practice sessions on writing newspaper articles, focusing on writing catchy headlines, and organizing our facts into paragraphs. 

We had an introduction to fractions this week.  Students learned the difference between mixed and improper fractions and how to convert one to the other.

We continued to work on our board game about Athens.  Most students have completed their Character Cards, Travel Cards and Ancient Sites cards.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Reeve

-Weekly math sheet due Wednesday
-Athens board game parts now due
     1. Character Cards
     2. Five Travel Cards
     3. Six Ancient Cite Cards
- Glooscap drawing – due Monday

Parent Council
The next Parent Council meeting is next week on Thursday, February 6th at 7 pm in our DLC.  We are holding the meeting a week early to accommodate the Teachers' Convention break.
It’s our Grade 2 teaching teams' turn to present what your kids have been working on in their classrooms.  There will also be the usual updates from our Admin team and other committees.
Babysitting will be available.
And in case you missed this on our school website, you can review our January meeting minutes here:

During the week of Monday, Feb 10 to Wednesday, Feb 12 the students in grade 6 will be skating at the ring, weather permitting.  We are looking for volunteers to help put on skates and helmets during those three days.  A more detailed schedule will be coming out soon.

Used Skates
Sandstone MacEwan Community Association has been collecting used skates for kids in the community who cannot afford to skate. If you are a family who would like to receive or who would like to donate skates, please contact As well, if you are interested, there is a family willing to do some sharpening and some intro lessons! What a great opportunity!

Junior High School
Please use the link below to learn which school your child is designated to attend next year.  If you are interested in having your child attend a different Junior High, please contact that Junior High school directly.

Don't Forget
-Headphones: please bring an extra set of headphones to school if you have them
-Don't forget to return or renew your overdue library books

-No forms are due at this time

Upcoming Events
January 31: PD Day (No School)
February 10: 6C/D Mindfulness Monday Yoga (9:15 am)
February 12: Artificial Intelligence Workshop
February 5: G.P Vanier Open House (6:30 pm to 7:30 pm)
February 10: 6C/D Skating at SVS
February 11: : 6C/D Skating at SVS
February 12: 6C/D Skating at SVS
February 27: Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Tour
February 27: Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Parent Information night (5:30 pm to 7:00 pm)
March 11: Safety Expo field trip

Don't forget to check out our class website for grade 6 resources

Friday, January 24, 2020

Our Week in Review!

Dear 6D Students and Parents,

   On Tuesday, students and a teacher from G.P Vanier school visited the grade 6’s to talk about the late French immersion program, which is an option for all SVS students next year.  The grade 7 students spoke about how quickly they were able to learn to speak and understand French, and about many of the options and clubs available at their school.  If you are interested in learning more about this program there will be an open house on February 5th (6:30pm to 7:30 pm) at G.P. Vanier School.

We wrote our quiz on Factors, Multiples, and Order of Operations. The quizzes have been marked and sent home with students.  Please review the quizzes and sign them and return the quizzes to school.  We started to look at fractions today.  Next week, we will be looking at how to name, model and convert fractions from improper into mixed numbers.  

   In groups of four, the students started the creation of their Ancient Athens board game.  The students will create "character cards" (Citizen, Metic, Slave, Female) and  "travel cards" that will be picked up as the teams move around the game board.  Categories such as chance, physical activity, memorization, consequence, and knowledge, will be randomly chosen to "level up" or "level down" their character.

Ask your child to act out the difference between rotation and revolution.  Next week, we will use this information to understand the reasons why we have seasons.

Have a great weekend, and enjoy the nice weather!

Mrs. Reeve

Note From the Office
Sandstone MacEwan Community Association has been collecting used skates for kids in the community who cannot afford to skate. If you are a family who would like to receive or who would like to donate skates, please contact  As well, if you are interested, there is a family willing to do some sharpening and some intro lessons! What a great opportunity!

-A new weekly math sheet came home last week and is due Wednesday

Quizzes/ Tests
-No upcoming tests or quizzes

Junior High School
Please use the link below to learn which school your child is designated to attend next year.  If you are interested in having your child attend a different Junior High, please contact that Junior High school directly.

Upcoming Events
January 24: CAD Starts
January 31: PD Day (No School)
February 5: G.P Vanier Open House (6:30 pm to 7:30 pm)
February 27: Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Tour
February 27: Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Parent Information night (5:30 pm to 7:00 pm)
March 11: Safety Expo field trip

Don't forget to check out our class website for grade 6 resources

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Our Awesome Week!

6D Parents and Students,

We kicked off our Junior High tour season with a visit to Colonel Irvine.  Forty students from Simons Valley learned about the many clubs and sports teams available to grade 7 students before going on a tour of the building.  The students visited the band room, shop, art rooms, etc., before having lunch in the cafeteria.  The students were interested in knowing more about options, how to open their lockers and why they have to change before gym class.  We will be visited by G.P. Vanier this Wednesday to learn about their late French immersion program, followed by a tour of Sir John A MacDonald on February 27th.

   The students did some note-taking on the various classes of people in Ancient Athens this week. Now that we have a basic understanding of how the city worked, we will be creating an Ancient Athens board game starting next week.

   In Science this week, students learned about constellations and objects that “appear” to move across the sky.  Students listened to an indigenous story about the sky and started a constellation storybook. 

We finished off our week with our speaking show called TUSC.  Each student presented a topic they were interested in and did an excellent job!  We ran out of time and will be finishing off the remaining presentations on Monday.

Have a great weekend,

Mrs. Reeve

- Jump Math 134-137
- A new weekly math sheet came home Wednesday and will be due January 22
- 4 Pillars illustration and write-up
- Kandinsky art and write-up
- French bingo sheet – due Monday

Quizzes/ Tests
-Multiple and Factor Quiz on Wednesday

Junior High School
Please use the link below to learn which school your child is designated to attend next year.  If you are interested in having your child attend a different Junior High, please contact that Junior High school directly.
-No forms are due at this time

Upcoming Events
January 21: G.P Vanier visit SVS (late French immersion)
January 24: CAD Starts
February 5: G.P Vanier Open House (6:30 pm to 7:30 pm)
February 27: Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Tour
February 27: Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Parent Information night (5:30 pm to 7:00 pm)

Don't forget to check out our class website for grade 6 resources

Friday, January 10, 2020

Welcome Back! Important JR High Dates

Dear 6D Parents,

Welcome back!  From the stories and conversations from students this week it sounds like many families had an amazing break.

We have been learning about factors and the lowest common multiples this week.  Factors are whole numbers that are multiplied together to produce another number. For example, the factors of
12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12.  Lowest common multiples are the lowest quantity that is a multiple of two or more given quantities (e.g. 12 is the lowest common multiple of 2, 3, and 4). We will be reviewing prime and composite numbers next week, as well as the order of operations.

We continued our study of democracy this week and will be learning about the birthplace of democracy, Ancient Athens.  We reviewed where Athens is located in the world and learned that the concepts of democracy were first conceived over 2500 years ago.  In future weeks we will be learning about the different people of Athenian society (citizens, women, children, metics, and slaves) and important places to Athenian democracy (Boule, Pynx hill, Agora and law courts).

In Science, we have started the Sky Science unit. We will be learning about objects in space, the moon phases and constellations in the weeks to come. You may notice that your child will be asking you to look “up” so they can tell you about what they have learned about. The students are very excited about this unit.

Volunteers Required

We are excited to bring back two programs, Simons Valley Reads and Simons Valley Mathletes. Both programs were a HUGE success because of volunteers such as you! We are hoping to run an 8-week program of both SVS Reads and Mathletes starting January 28th for 1 hour a week.

Here is a brief description of the two programs (little different from last year) but just as impactful!

SVS Reads
To support our Grade One/ Two/ Three students, we are looking for parent
volunteers who would be able to come once a week for an hour and work with two students. Volunteers would work with a student for 20 minutes each practicing high-frequency words, sentence work and of course, reading a short story. All of the materials will be provided for you!

SVS Mathletes
The second program, Simons Valley Mathletes is a program designed to help our grade 3 to 6 students develop proficiency in mathematics. The focus this year will be to strengthen basic math facts. With this program, as SVS Reads, we are looking for parent volunteers who would be able to come once a week for an hour and work with two students. Volunteers would work with each student for 20 minutes making numbers, practicing basic math facts and then playing a math game. All of the materials will be provided to you.

If you are interested in volunteering with either program, please contact us at
or before January 14th.

Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Reeve

Junior High School Tours
We are starting to hear from Junior High schools about booking tours. Colonel Irvine School will be touring the students during the day on January 15th (forms coming home this week) and there will be an Open House that night as well for parents and students.

Junior High School
Please use the link below to learn which school your child is designated to attend next year.  If you are interested in having your child attend a different Junior High, please contact that Junior High school directly.

Quizzes/ Tests
-No upcoming tests or quizzes
-Our geometry and perimeter quiz went home, today.  Ask your child their mark our of 29.

-Jump Math Pg 122-128 are due on Monday. (Most students are finished!)
-Weekly Math PAT practice went home on Wednesday and is due next Wednesday

-Forms for the Colonel Irvine Junior High tour on January 15 went home on Wednesday. Please return ASAP!

Upcoming Events
January 15: Colonel Irvine Jr High Daytime Tour
January 15: Colonel Irvine Jr High Evening Open House (6:30 pm to 8:00 pm)
January 24: CAD Starts
February 27: Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Tour

Don't forget to check out our class website for grade 6 resources.