Hello everyone,
Hopefully you had the opportunity to enjoy the warm weather, this weekend.
Here are a few updates:
- There is the SVS Food Drive this Wednesday, May 27 and Thursday, May 28 at SVS from 9-2.
- Brown Bagging is continuing to offer lunches by the Community Ice rink Sheds from 11-1.
Week in Review (May 25th - May 29th)
M | T | W | T | F
- Assignments for the day will be released in the morning.
- All Assignments are due that Sunday, so you have the week to work on them.
- 5hrs a week of essential learning
- Extensions are on the classroom website
M (May 25th)
Classroom Meeting & Kahoot
Language Arts (Clue #1)
T (May 26th)
Jump Math - NS6-64 (Percentages)
Social-Charter of Rights and Freedoms
W (May 27th)
Science-Four Forces of Flight
Language Arts (Clue # 2)
Th (May 28th)
Jump Math NS6-65 (Visual Representations of Percentages)
Catch Up Time
F(May 29th)
Science-Parts of an Airplane
Social-Charter of Rights and Freedoms
If you have read the week in review, please post on the stream an appropriate math or science joke.