Friday, October 18, 2019

Weekly Update-Oct 17

Dear Parents,

Wow!  What a short, but very busy week in grade 6.  We started the week off working with Calgary rapper Transit22.  Each of the four grade 6 classrooms wrote a verse for our Remembrance Day assembly song.  6A focused on D-Day, 6A on Vimy Ridge, and 6C/ 6D on the after-effects of war.  On Thursday, the students then recorded the song with Transit in our makeshift recording studio in the DLC.  On Monday, the students will be recording a music video.

We also had our Buffalo teachings which focused on the following 4 teachings: 1. Take Responsibility for your Actions 2. Apologize and say you are sorry 3. Forgive yourself 4. Forgive others. 

With the Federal election just around the corner, the students researched this week the four major political parties (Liberals, Conservatives, Green and NDP) and then shared what they learned with the teachers and grade 4 and 5 students on Thursday.  All division two students then voted in the Student Vote this morning.  Results of the Student Vote across Canada will be released along with the Federal election results on Tuesday.

This morning we met with The Honorable Minister of Seniors and Housing - Josephine Pon.  Minister Pon was elected to the Alberta Legislature last April as the MLA of the Calgary - Beddington area.  She spoke about her responsibility to represent the people of Sandstone, MacEwan, and surrounding communities.  She explained what she does as a member of the Premier's Cabinet and how she helps to create legislation to support senior citizens and people looking for affordable housing in the province.

Oct. 23- Edmonton Legislature Field Trip form due
Oct. 24- Crazy Hair Day

SVS Pumpkinella!
Bring your pumpkin to the DLC after school on Wednesday, October 30th or the morning of Thursday, October 31st from 8:20-8:40am. Pumpkins MUST be picked up to go home by Thursday between 4:00 and 5:00pm. Any pumpkins left at the school will be composted.

Have a Great Weekend!

Mrs. Reeve