Friday, October 4, 2019

Weekly Update

Dear Grade 6D Parents,

Simons Valley School is pleased to announce that Ryan Jason Allen Willert will be working with the staff and students in the role of Artist in Residence starting this upcoming week. Ryan is a full-time artist and storyteller born and raised in Southern Alberta. Although he was brought up in a non-native community, he has since reconnected with his Blackfoot roots (Siksika Nation). Ryan learned the art of black ink drawing from his father Richard (Dicky) Stimson, another well-known Siksika Nation artist. Among the many exhibitions where he has presented his work are the City of Calgary and Calgary’s Glenbow Museum. Ryan will be sharing the Buffalo teachings with our staff and students and in turn, creating a mural in our multipurpose area. Please come hear him speak at the Parent Council meeting on Thursday, October 10th at 7 pm
When Ryan is working with the children, he will be smudging. 

This week we completed our Local Government city maps and had our friends in grade 4/5 come and learn about what makes a great city.  With the Federal election on October 21st, we will be turning our focus on the voting process and understanding the different parties and leaders running for election.

We had a great time at the Apple store on Thursday learning about how to use Keynote (Powerpoint) and animate and create choose your own adventure stories.  We will be looking at ways to utilize this application in the future for other story writing projects.

We will be going to Nose Hill Park on Monday, after lunch. Please make sure your child wears appropriate footwear and clothing and brings a water bottle. We will be going as part of our Trees and Forest unit.  

Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Reeve

*Math Number Sense Quiz on Monday, October 7th. Review with pages 21 to 42 in your Jump Book*
-Weekly Math came home today which will help with the quiz on Monday but will be due on Wednesday, October 9, 2019.
-Parents need to sign the Patterns and Algebra test that came home today and return to the teacher

Don't Forget
-Get your free YMCA grade 6 membership (take your grade 5 report card to any YMCA)
-School pictures went home today.  Check you kids pack back

Quizzes/ Tests
-Math Number Sense Quiz on Monday, October 7th. Review with pages 21 to 42 in your Jump Book

-Please bring back school picture forms with your order 

Upcoming Events
Friday, October 11: No School
Monday, October 12: Thanksgiving Day No School
October 15, 17, 25: Work with Calgary Rapper Transit
Friday, October 18: Meet with Provincial Minister Josephine Pon
Monday, October 21: Junior Achievement working with grade 6
Wednesday, October 23: Grade 6 Vaccinations
Wednesday, October 30: Edmonton Legislature Field Trip

Don't forget to check out our class website for resources