Dear Grade 6 Parents,
*Correction* The Sir John A Macdonald Student tour and open house are on Thursday, February 27th, not Wednesday.
Student Tour - Thursday, February 27, 2020, 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Open House - Thursday, February 27, 2020, 5:30pm to 7:00pm
This week we concluded our fraction unit with a look at word problems, writing a fraction as a division statement and finding the fraction of a whole number. We worked to deepen our understanding of how to find the fractional amount of a whole number by drawing pictures but also learned that a quicker answer can be found by dividing the whole number by the denominator and then multiplying that answer by the numerator of the fraction. Starting next week, we will be working with decimal numbers.
Students have started some research about the planets and had a chance to play their Athens Board Games that they created. We have started on an Ancient Greek news article page where students have an opportunity to create an article about something that would have happened during 770 BCE.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Reeve
-Jump Math (No Homework)
-Weekly math sheet due Wednesday
Quizzes/ Tests
-Math Quiz on Fractions was yesterday. Results next week
-Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Tour forms due Monday
Parent Math Resources
As students get older and start to move into the upper grades, math becomes more challenging for students and parents who are helping them. Below is a grade YouTube resource for parents looking for a refresher.
Junior High School
Please use the link below to learn which school your child is designated to attend next year. If you are interested in having your child attend a different Junior High, please contact that Junior High school directly.
-Weekly math sheet due Wednesday
Quizzes/ Tests
-Math Quiz on Fractions was yesterday. Results next week
-Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Tour forms due Monday
Parent Math Resources
As students get older and start to move into the upper grades, math becomes more challenging for students and parents who are helping them. Below is a grade YouTube resource for parents looking for a refresher.
Junior High School
Please use the link below to learn which school your child is designated to attend next year. If you are interested in having your child attend a different Junior High, please contact that Junior High school directly.
Don't Forget
-Don't forget to return or renew your overdue library books
Upcoming Eve
February 26: Pink Shirt Day
February 27: Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Tour
February 27: Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Parent Information night (5:30 pm to 7:00 pm)
March 6: CAD
March 11: Safety Expo field trip
March 19: Dress like your teacher day
March 19: Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 20: Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 23 to March 29: Spring Break
March 30: Classes Resume after Spring Break
April 3: Family Movie Night
Don't forget to check out our class website for grade 6 resources
-Don't forget to return or renew your overdue library books
Upcoming Eve
February 26: Pink Shirt Day
February 27: Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Tour
February 27: Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Parent Information night (5:30 pm to 7:00 pm)
March 6: CAD
March 11: Safety Expo field trip
March 19: Dress like your teacher day
March 19: Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 20: Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 23 to March 29: Spring Break
March 30: Classes Resume after Spring Break
April 3: Family Movie Night
Don't forget to check out our class website for grade 6 resources