Sunday, February 9, 2020

Weekly Update

Blyth, Vanessa J

Reeve, Laurie A
Fri 2/7/2020 2:33 PM
Dear 6D Parents and Students,

We completed our second newspaper article write this year on Thursday, as part of our preparations for the writing PAT in May.  The students were given a collection of facts about the invention of a hockey mask and used the knowledge they have gained about how articles are written, to create their own.  As we mark these articles we are looking for a catchy headline and intro paragraph with the 5Ws, well-organized paragraphs, quotes throughout, and a strong conclusion.  The students will be sharing the progression of their article writing at Parent-Teacher conferences on March 19 & 20.

Students are wrapping up their Athenian board games.  Students will sculpt their player pieces out of clay on Monday, review their Athenian knowledge on Tuesday, and play the game on Wednesday.  Students need to make sure their characters, travel cards, and ancient site cards are complete.  Resources are shared with the students on Google Drive if any work needs to be completed over the weekend.

Students learned about the phases of the moon using Oreo cookies and a diagram that they made.  Have your child explain the different phases of the moon using the picture below. Next week students will begin their research project for the Sky Science unit.

Midpoint Sky Science Check-in on Tuesday, February 11 - Students will be assessed on which bodies emit and reflect light, the earth, moon, and sun, rotation vs. revolution, reasons for the seasons and the phases of the moon.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Reeve

-Jump Math - No Jump Homework this Weekend
-Weekly math sheet due
-Athens board game is due Tuesday, February 11th
     1. Character Cards
     2. Five Travel Cards
     3. Six Ancient Cite Cards
     4. Playing Pieces
     5. Game Board

-Skating forms are due now!!  Skating starts Monday.

Parent Math Resources
As students get older and start to move into the upper grades, math becomes more challenging for students and parents who are helping them.  Below is a grade YouTube resource for parents looking for a refresher.

During the week of Monday, Feb 10 to Wednesday, Feb 12 the students in grade 6 will be skating at the ring, weather permitting.  We are looking for volunteers to help put on skates and helmets during those three days.  A more detailed schedule will be coming out soon.

Junior High School
Please use the link below to learn which school your child is designated to attend next year.  If you are interested in having your child attend a different Junior High, please contact that Junior High school directly.

Don't Forget
-Don't forget to return or renew your overdue library books

Upcoming Events
February 10: 6C/D Skating at SVS
February 116C/D Skating at SVS
February 12: 6C/D Skating at SVS
February 26: Pink Shirt Day
February 27: Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Tour
February 27: Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Parent Information night (5:30 pm to 7:00 pm)
March 6: CAD
March 11: Safety Expo field trip
March 19: Dress like your teacher day
March 19: Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 20: Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 23 to March 29: Spring Break
March 30: Classes Resume after Spring Break
April 3: Family Movie Night

Don't forget to check out our class website for grade 6 resources

Grade 6 Teacher