Tuesday, April 21, 2020

I Can Statements

Dear Parents, 

Please find the following "I Can Statements" from our Grade 6 Curriculum that we will be covering from now until the end of June. There will be a focus of Language Arts and Math with some Social and Science integrated into Language Arts. 

Please let me know if you have any questions, 

Mrs. Laurie Reeve

Language Arts Grade 6
I Can Statements

General Outcome 1: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences.

Ø  I can read, write, and talk to explain my prior knowledge connections to new information.
Ø  I can use talk, writing, reading and others’ ideas to understand.
General Outcome 2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, and other media texts.
Ø  I can combine personal experience with new ideas when I read see or hear.
Ø  I can use a variety of strategies to help me read and understand new words.
Ø  I can read from a variety of genres and cultures.
Ø  I can summarize what I read, see and hear.
Ø  I can connect events, characters, and settings when I summarize.
Ø  I can explain the reasons for a character’s actions or feelings.
Ø  I can draw conclusions related to events, characters, setting, and main idea.
2.3 Understand Forms Elements and Techniques
Ø  I can identify and talk about the similarities and differences between different types of readings.
Ø  I can identify the main problem in things I read, see and hear.
Ø  I can explain how conflict is resolved in things I read see or hear.
2.4 Create Original Text
Ø  I can choose forms of writing and ideas and details that match audience and purpose in my own writing.
Ø  I can use my own experiences to find ideas for writing.

General Outcome 4: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
4.1 Enhance and Improve
Ø  I can ask for and use feedback about my writing from others.
Ø  I can narrow down or expand ideas in my writing.
Ø  I can delete unnecessary information.
Ø  I can make sure the verb tense and pronouns are correct.
Ø  I can use paragraphs in fiction and non-fiction writing.
Ø  I can choose words that are just right for my audience and purpose.
Ø  I can play with different parts of my writing like sentence structure and word choice to choose the best way to communicate.
Ø  I can write clearly and legibly.
4.2 Attend to Conventions
Ø  I can edit my writing for commonly misspelled words.
Ø  I can attend to grammar.
Ø  I can attend to capitalization and punctuation.

                                                         Mathematics   Grade 6
I Can Statement
Develop Number Sense
Ø  I can explain how the pattern of the place value system makes it possible to read and write numerals for numbers of any size.
Ø  I can solve problems that involve whole numbers and decimals.
Ø  I can solve a problem involving factors and multiples.
Ø  I can provide concrete or a visual representation for ratio.
Ø  I can explain, verbally, concretely or pictorially that percent means out of 100.
Ø  I can solve problems that involve multiplication and division of decimals using multipliers from 0 to 9 and divisors from 1 to 9.
GENERAL OUTCOME:  Patterns and Relations
Ø  Use patterns to describe the world and to solve problems.
Ø  I can identify the unknown in a problem and represent the problem.