Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Important Year End Dates and Weekly Review

Dear Parents, 

I hope that you are all well and that you have been able to enjoy some of our sunshine! Here are the weekly review and some important year-end dates regarding the school being open.

Week in Review   (June 1st- June 5th) 
M  | T | W | T | F
  • Assignments for the day will be released in the morning. 
  • All Assignments are due that Sunday, so you have the week to work on them. 
  • 5hrs a week of essential learning
  • https://bit.ly/2zFiaTa classroom website 
M (June 1st) 
Classroom Meeting & Kahoot
Language Arts (Clue #3 & 4) 
T (June 2nd) 
Jump Math NS6-66 (Comparing Decimals, Fractions, Percentages)
Social - Rights project
W (June 3rd) 
Language Arts( Clue# 5 & 6)
Science-Paper Airplane Design
Th (June 4th) 
Jump Math NS6-67 (Finding Percentages)
Catch Up Time
F(June 5th)
Science –How Airplanes Fly
Social - Wrap up of the Canadian Charter

Future Dates: June 23, 24, and 25- The school will be open for:
-picking up hard copies of report cards or IPPs if required
-returning all computers and/or technology that was borrowed 
(Note: a schedule will be coming for safe arrival and departure)